An NCCD Case Study: How a QLD School Increased NCCD Funding by 300%

Written by Jason Roberts & Stephen Cowling, Junipa

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Australian primary and secondary schools receiving funding through the NCCD scheme are required to keep records when they adjust or implement a teaching plan at the individual level. Failing to keep sufficient and accurate records leads to non-compliance and can cost schools up to $25,000 per student per year in lost NCCD funding. 

Even for schools that are compliant, time-consuming manual systems are often in place to gather, collate, store and report on NCCD records, wasting staff time, expertise and wage costs that typically equate to one full-time salary. 

A Solution for Easy, Real-Time NCCD Data Capture and Compliance 

With mobile devices and Wi-Fi, 5G or 4G coverage there's an ability to collect NCCD evidence 'at the coalface', so we created a fully managed & hosted solution for teachers to record adjustments in real-time, in the classroom. 

Using Junipa, teachers can login to a web-based application with access to context-aware student lists, to quickly record an adjustment against a student and upload any relevant attachments. 

School administration staff also have access to instant reporting of NCCD evidence as it’s being collected so that the state of compliance is visible in Junipa in real-time. This gives schools far greater confidence that adjustment evidence is NCCD-compliant. 

Case Study: Djarragun College, QLD 

Djarragun College is a non-denominational independent college in Gordonvale, Queensland. The school specialises in providing an excellent learning environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Prep to Year 12. 

The task of recording NCCD adjustments for each student was an enormous undertaking across the school and had scope for operational improvement. 

“We’ve been using Junipa since the 2019-2020 reporting year and it has added confidence going into the next reporting year. The Junipa team got us up and running quickly and made customisations to meet our specific needs.” – Michael Barton, College Principal, Djarragun College 

Now with real-time feedback from Junipa, Djarragun has identified and moved 45 students from supplementary to substantial adjustments increasing NCCD funding by 300%. 

The school also has complete oversight of adjustment data within Junipa and can make sure that every student’s adjustment needs are being met. 

“We’re now confident of being NCCD compliant and up to date.” – Michael Barton, College Principal, Djarragun College 

Margo Metcalf