National Education Summit Melbourne Conference Resources
Friday 14 & Saturday 15June
We thank our presenters for sharing their expertise with us all and for providing resources to reflect and share.
Below are resources from various sessions across all conferences held at the event (in no particular order)
Amanda Lecaude - Diverse Learners
Georgia Solomon - Diverse Learners - Leading inclusive education
Lauren Salajan - Diverse Learners - Understanding ADHD How you can support students
Roy Rozario - Diverse Learners - A marriage of pedagogies and technologies
Heather MacDonald - Sustainability in Schools - Real World Problems
Yvonne Harvey - Diverse Learners - Intervention that works for school children with ADHD (no videos)
Joyce Sendeckyj - Libraries - What do I get out of it? Building the literacy and reading skills
Frances Smith - Wellbeing - The Art of Teaching and Mentor Program Flyer
Jason Saikaly - Libraries - Creative Reader's Advisory ideas
OzHarvest - Amelia Berner - Sustainability - FEAST Presentation and Primary & High School Brochure
Kay Oddone - Libraries - From Knowledge Keepers to Knowledge Leaders
National Education Summit Brisbane
If you had a great experience at the Melbourne Summit why not let your colleagues know that they can take a trip “up north” to the Brisbane Summit being held on Friday 2 & Saturday 3 August 2024 at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. Download the Brisbane brochure here